Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Preston - One Month Old Birth Story

I cannot believe this little man is already one month old.  He is super sweet but he has such a temper.  It's cute!  

I also cannot believe it's been one month since New Year's Eve.  When we had our usual homemade pizza with Grandma and Aunt Dee Dee and then after Daddy returned to work I began to choke and have a coughing spell, like I did earlier in the day, when my water broke.  At first, I thought, did I just have an accident or did my water break?  
Daddy was on the air and I didn't want to freak him out so I was just going to wait.  Grandma and Aunt Dee Dee were on their way over already so they could stay with Blake who was fast a sleep.  It couldn't of happened more perfectly (for Blake's schedule).   When Daddy arrived home we headed to the hospital to see if we could make the 2011 tax deduction before midnight.  Since I was already scheduled for a C-section it was possible.  But getting everything prepped, we would have to beat the clock.  Well that didn't happen.  They wheeled me into the operating room at 12:07 and still needed to administer the epidural.  At 12:42am Preston was born.  Daddy was the first to see him and commented on his long fingers and toes.  He was (once again) perfection!!!!!  I couldn't believe it. 
After a few moments a nurse came in and said, "He's the new years baby!"

Preston had a little trouble with his breathing-we couldn't tell what they were talking about. So around 4am they took him to NICU for closer monitoring and to wait for the Doctor to arrive at 7am to examine and determine he was "perfect."  They said he just had a little trouble transitioning to the outside world.  It figures the baby I carried full-term (38 weeks and 1 day) has trouble transistioning and  the baby I delivered at 36 weeks was perfectly content to GET OUT OF DODGE (and by Dodge, I mean ME!!!)

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