Friday, November 28, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Random Photos I Shared With My Dad4th of July

4th of July...dumb buggies

Needing a haircut

Why Weathermen Don't Wear Green

Blake's school group friend

Football Blake

Shooting the thunder cause it scared him

Lego Camp

Caught a turtle

The last photo exchange...the talking fish  :(

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Blake and his cousin Bec are 10 months apart.  So I thought it'd be cute to take 5 year old photos of them together...then 10 year old photos, 15 year old photos....or just as long as they will allow us to do it.  So this is 6 weeks or so after he turned 5 and about 2 weeks before she turned 6.

Yeah for 5!!!!