Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Visit with Marcie & Rob

 A couple of weeks ago while driving through Little Rock our friends from Hawaii (by way of El Paso, TX) stopped by for a visit.  It was their first time meeting Blake and he put on a show for them.  At first he was shy Blake and then he warmed up.  He's such a character

Me, Blake, Marcie

Blake-making his "I'm not going to smile face" & Rob

Monday, March 28, 2011

On A Leash

My dog crazy as he is he's terrified of strangers.  At almost 3 years old he just recently sits in the same room as Grandma and Aunt Dee Dee(who visits often)....Other people who come and visit, he's mortified.
We have a fenced in backyard, so Oliver has not been walked on a lease much, so recently I've been trying to change that.   Blake insists on being the one to walk Oliver, well  it's working!!!!!

After a few nice days, it was kind of chilly..but we didn't want Ollie to forget

Ok so Oliver walks works!

"Come on Oggie!"

"Let's get this stupid walk over with!"  - what Ollie's thinking

Blake was not ready to turn around and go home...
We made it, we have been walking 2-3 times a week and since it turned a little cooler we hadn't been out for a few days.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Granny Video

So Bad At Blogging

I've been so bad at blogging lately.  Sorry.  I promise I'll get back to a minimum of two blogs a week...Even thought I haven't blogged I have gotten some good blogging material.  Like Blake wearing Granny glasses---you should see how funny he walks with them on.   I will get that on here soon.

But for the first time ever, I found myself saying something I never thought I'd say:
ME: Blake, don't stick that pretzel up your nose! Eat it!  (after the pretzel has gone up the nose)
Blake eats pretzel......gross but hahahahahahaha!
Todd's siblings remind me all the time of the gross things he ate....I officially have it, I will never let Blake forget!..."There was a time you'd dip your pretzel in snot and eat it.  hahahahaha"!!!

Also, we're introducing the potty to Blake.  He has a little seat, he likes to after bath time I sit it out and he will sit on it.  He loves that he gets a Hersey kiss for doing it....but last night he got 1 Hersey's kiss but he got on and off the potty 5 he didn't really need any bribery!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It's that time again and we visited the daffodil field......
Here's the link to last years daffodil pictures to compare 2010 Field of Daffodils

Don't pick the flowers

Me & My Daddy

All of Us

Stop and smile....the flowers

Mr. Personality

Takin' a stroll


"That OH Face!"  -love it!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Guest What?

                                   Blake's first swim class.....I'll have more tomorrow!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My House = Sweatshop?

While trying to clean house on Saturday.  My helpful little boy "insisted" on vacuuming for me.  How could I deny him that?

can't see the video?  watch it here


Such a good boy

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday, Daddy just decided to take Blake to the Zoo.  He's now saying "Woof" and "Moo" and trying to act like a monkey so Daddy took him to see some other animals.  I hear there was a "water" accident with an Elephant and that the Geese made Blake "shrill".  But here's the only proof I have of the visit---you know I would have taken a "real" camera and gotten a ton a photos....but here it is, the lone photo from the Zoo visit.