Monday, January 21, 2013

The Wonder Place

On MLK day we were able to take the boys to the Wonder Place. This was Preston's first trip.
Preston had a blast

Blake loves the sand box

Preston loves balls

This is an apple from the Apple tree

He's got a good grip on him
Blake was ringing up groceries for some little girls...the funny thing was it was an old fashioned register with the numbers on it...but he kept scanning everything...because that's all he knows.  FUNNY!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Preston's First Birthday

We celebrated Preston's birthday on Wednesday Jan 2nd.  My Dad's birthday.  Preston did less crying and hiding then Blake did on his first birthday.  But when it comes to the cake, Blake enjoyed his cake a lot's the wrap up:
The Decor

Silly Big Bro

Ready to Party

Soccer Theme

Big Boy!!!

Always Eating----but I don't know what that face is all about


Opening Presents

Cousin Catherine----Rooney

The Whole Clan---in action

All of the cousins

The Family...but Pres didn't quite make the photo

Fit time---Grandma & Aunt Dee Dee

Cake Time

Until we force him to eat it