Sunday, May 29, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

Preston's Imagination

Preston lives on Saturn part of the time.
He doesn't live on Jupiter, there are too many storms there.
He now has a brother and sister, twins who live on Saturn.  Ougie and Bruisy...Bruisy is the boy. Ougie at 7 and Bruisy is 5.  Twins!

He has a Mommy that lives on Saturn. Her name is Arujah.  Not a Daddy, though, he's in heaven.  But before his Saturn Daddy went to heaven he went to Jupiter and fought the bad guys.

This boy is so smart.  The things he tells me, startles me --- the things that he knows.
When he was 3 his favorite color was purple but the moment he turned 4...."4 yr olds don't like purple!"
He spells STOP, He spells ON, He spells OFF, He spells PRESTON, He spells YAKOUBIAN