Sunday, January 8, 2017

Blake's First Basketball Game

Blake loves sports.  All sports.  He plays basketball non-stop.  So we signed him up to play basketball.  He did great.

He even got to carry the ball down the court.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Preston's 5th Birthday

Preston is so full of life. So energetic and smart. 
He wanted every Transformer known to man, and between Christmas 2016 and this birthday, I think he got it. 
The morning began with us having to talk Preston into opening presents. He didn't want to, it wasn't his party yet. 
And he wasn't 5 yet because that doesn't happen until "Happy Birthday" is sung.
So finally we opened presents!

Since his birthday is on the New Year holiday we had New Years dinner.  Then it was cake time.  And he refused to allow us to sing Happy Birthday to him---and yet, he's still NOT 5. So after some coaxing we said a prayer before cutting cake....because that's what you do if you don't sing happy birthday!!! Funny boy!