Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blake's School Play Date

Blake had a play date with a friend from school.  It's was adorable.
Too much fun!

This is the "new" sand castle

Playing in the rocks--Blake brought so many home in his shoe's

Showing off their Blue Tongues from the Capri Suns

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Preston's Baptism Day

Here's a blog from Blake's baptism day
Preston chillin' in his baptism onesie before church
Sadly, Preston was not fond of the water on his head....but he loves a bath
After crying so hard, Preston passed out--but we took photos anyway.  His God Parents and Father West
All the Grandkids!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I will NOT smile for you

So when taking matter how excited he was to see the "Bunny Hop Hop" Blake chose to give me this face in the bunny photo. We were behind the camera acting like monkey's-everything we could think of and this is what we got!
So two days later when it was "school" picture day I KNEW what to expect! THIS!

But after that type of pose the photographer decided he had to crack this egg....So he throws a towel at Blake and snaps this shot!

HAHAHAHA! Blake's funny!! And lastly, since they got him to loosen up, he smiled a little.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Pix

Preston and I on Easter Sunday.....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Blake's house has an Owwwwieeee

We had a water leak so we had to have the bathroom floor replaced and some far only the bathroom floor has been done so the "in between" Blake calls "Blake's house's owwwwwieeeeeee"   

The wall which still needs to be covered up is also an "owwwwwwwwieeeeeeeee"

Trying to get Blake to sit next to an point to the owwwwwwieeeee....I got sill instead!

and this!

Preston's First Day of "School"

On Thursday Preston went to daycare for the first time.  He did ok but he is exhausted!  Hoping that will help him sleep through the night (and quit eating at night).
Before I even put him in the carseat to go, he was "over it"


All I can do is laugh at those eyes

Oh me oh my.....
Let's remember Blake's first day of daycare in October 2009....