Thursday, February 24, 2011



Sunday, February 20, 2011

Family Snow Pix

A neighbor snapped all these photos in January after we had the first big snow here

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I've been mimicked!

On Saturday Blake said his 3rd word(Dada= Daddy & Oggie=Ollie).  This boy is finding it unnecessary to talk.  But on Saturday we still had ice in our driveway.  I told Blake to stay off of the ice.  I looked away and then back and sure enough he was sliding around on the ice again! I yelled "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!"  He turns around and says "duuuude".....then he says it 2 more times.  When his Daddy got home he said it a few more times.  I'm am so glad it's wasn't a word I would regret!!
Have a great day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here's a Riddle For You

You know you have a snow crazy husband when he skis down the roads of your neighborhood!


And Blake loved it.  It looks like we need to plan a ski trip to Montana in the next two years.  Where my little man will learn to put his skis in the French Fry or Pizza position! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Superbowl vs Puppybowl

On Sunday the question was, should we (Mommy & Blake) watch the Superbowl or the Puppybowl?
So we ended up watching a little of both.............
Watching Fergie and Slash at the Halftime show of the Superbowl....Blake clapping and sticking his tongue out! (actually that's food sticking out of his mouth)

Blake loved the puppybowl he squealed at every one of the puppies.  We even had our own rendition of the puppybowl when Blake and Oliver began fighting over the laundry I was folding....Pure entertainment....(The TV is showing the Puppy Kisses segment) 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bookstore Adventure

Surprisingly when I returned home from work yesterday (Wednesday), there was a big stack of books for Blake on the kitchen table.  Every night Blake will bring us EVERY book he owns so we can read ALL of them.  Of course, he only lets us read a page or two of some and then others we have to read from cover to cover.  So we're a little bored with Blake's books.  So Daddy took Blake on a Barnes and Noble adventure to get more books.  Blake loved the story time stage!  Here's video of Blake bustin' a move at the book store,  He is a dancing fool!

I was so tickled that Daddy saw the need and just got Blake some more books.  See the video here: