Whenever we bring out electronics-cells phones, house phones, remote controls or cameras Blake goes after it......I have a million pictures and they are *all* starting to look like this.........
Not good....not good at all with Christmas looming!!!! Mommy's not happy about this phase. So tonight instead of showing you photos of Blake, I thought I'd share a few of his favorite things.......
So I can get a photo of him once in a while....while he's distracted by an empty box....hours of fun. I'm really considering wrapping empty boxes and putting them under the Christmas tree....
Things that talk and sing....The black cat was a halloween gift..he sings the theme song to the Adams Family.....and Blake dances....And the Snowman couple, they wish you a merry christmas in song and sway...Blake loves the sway...And the wild raccoon says all kinds of funny things like "bounce me on your knee......whoooooooooa....I'm getting sick....maybe that's not so fun afterall" he goes on and on carrying on like a goofy redneck(which the box said he was)!!!!
Well what can I say about the box that the top picture didn't say?.....you can get in it, you can get out of it...you can push it around....you can dump it on Mommy or Daddy's head...you can chase Ollie with it and he runs fast as lightning!!!! Complete entertainment all evening long....A box!
Last there's the snowman....Grandma got it for him just a week ago and Blake has giving "Snowy" hug after hug after hug....He loves this thing....Also, Blake looooooves Oliver, who darted into the picture saying "I'm one of Blake's favorite things too" which is so true! Blake loves Oliver tooooo death!
Blake's favorite things! Until Christmas!
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