Thursday, September 30, 2010

An Apple A Day

Blake has never eaten an apple before.  He's had apple sauce and apple flavored cereals but not a firm, crisp apple.  So I bought a few just to see.  I cut up the apple real fine, bite size so he could grab them. Well he didn't want it.  So I popped one in my mouth.  Couldn't get him to do the same.  So I handed him what was left of the apple.
He took a bite
Chewed it

 Then another bite.  

He really enjoyed it!  He loves to take bites out of glasses and tupperware so, it's the same. Right?  Might as well let him take a bite out of *crime*....I mean an apple a day keeps the Doctor away!

And with 9 teeth, now's the best time....3 of which I didn't know about until last week!

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