The countdown is on for BLAKE'S FIRST BIRTHDAY. Next Sunday he will turn ONE. I am working hard on making sure all the party details are in order and I hope he has a great first birthday!!! Today the cutest thing happened. After getting out in the blazing hot weather we came home and it was snack time....So I put Blake up in his high chair with a cheese stick. He was eating it, chowing away. I walked away and came back and he was "humming" but his eyes were closed and his head was bent like he was fast asleep. As soon as he heard me (no time to grab the camera---which I wanted too) he popped his head up like "I'm not tired" and took another bite of cheese. He's my cutie...
We just went and had our ONE YEAR OLD pix made....we get the prints back on Friday.
Here's one:

P.S. Just got a package from Blake's Granddaddy...although Blake hasn't seen it, I think he's going to love it. shhhhhh don't tell him!
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