Saturday, July 31, 2010

bee boping Blake

Here's the video of Blake dancing to You're still the One that we used in the "Surprise" Video below

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I have the most amazing little Boy!!!

Here are several of the pix from his 1 year old photo session

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Photos of the past 2 Days

On Saturday-we had a surprise party for Blake's Aunt Dawn...this is from her party. Catherine is twirling her little umbrella over Blake and he's trying to reach for it.

Blake--birthday morning....Granddaddy's ATV was a huge hit!!!!

There were nearly 20 children who attended Blake's party.....he was so overwhelmed he just clung on to are some of the kids waiting on cake

More partiers!

Because Blake was overwhelmed we skipped the cake part while everyone was there and saved it for later!!!!

He didn't disappoint!!! He ripped a fin off the fish in no time...before we knew it he had pushed the orange icing off the cake to see the chocolate cake underneath

Chocolate cake, YUMMY!

This was during the party, me serving the FABULOUS Fish Tank cake. Pictures of the cake to follow.....


So when everyone arrived Blake *FREAKED* out and clung on to me....So he did NOT have HIS cake while the guests where there. I figured if I had given him his cake he would have *freaked* or cried. So we waited until almost everyone was gone and he *ENJOYED* his cake!!!! Thanks everyone who came for being patient with our shy little boy...takes after me, I guess.


Here is the surprise video for our guests attending Blake's first birthday....

It is Here!!!!

Blake Turns ONE Today!!!!

Cards from Mommy & Daddy, Granddaddy, Aunt Peggy and Aunt Jean....Yeah!!! Thanks for everything!!!

FINALLY a chance to get on the ATV that Granddady sent!!!!

THIS is so much FUN!!!!
More's giong to be a fun LONG day.

Friday, July 23, 2010

2 Days to Go

A couple of days ago we went to a BBQ at a friends house...
They have a 20 month old Natalee....

Natalee gave Blake a kiss

He's now smitten....
We may be planning a wedding for these two in the future

Thursday, July 22, 2010

3 Days to Go

And so many things to do...Hopefully tomorrow I will post some photos....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

5 Days to Go

It's busy busy busy....And Blake is busy learning how to stand alone and clap just in time for his FIRST birthday party!!!!

Should be fun!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


The countdown is on for BLAKE'S FIRST BIRTHDAY. Next Sunday he will turn ONE. I am working hard on making sure all the party details are in order and I hope he has a great first birthday!!! Today the cutest thing happened. After getting out in the blazing hot weather we came home and it was snack time....So I put Blake up in his high chair with a cheese stick. He was eating it, chowing away. I walked away and came back and he was "humming" but his eyes were closed and his head was bent like he was fast asleep. As soon as he heard me (no time to grab the camera---which I wanted too) he popped his head up like "I'm not tired" and took another bite of cheese. He's my cutie...

We just went and had our ONE YEAR OLD pix made....we get the prints back on Friday.
Here's one:

P.S. Just got a package from Blake's Granddaddy...although Blake hasn't seen it, I think he's going to love it. shhhhhh don't tell him!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Daddy's Birthday July 3rd

Every year around Daddy's birthday the neighborhood he grew up in ask him to be Grand Marshal of the parade....

Here Blake is awaiting the parade to come down the hill

Here comes the color guard

Here's DADDY!!!

The Caffey Kids in the Parade

The Firemen graciously take a pix with Blake

Daddy opening his birthday presents with niece Catherine and nephew Jon watching

Daddy, Blake & his cake

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Ok if there's one thing I've prayed hard for (besides a healthy baby) is that my child won't have my curly hair.....especially when we found out we were having a boy....curls on girls are forgiving, but not so much on boys......Take for instance Tom Hanks in Castaway....Grizzly Adams watch out

And then there are the EARLY days of Justin Timberlake....look at his pictures now a days and you'll see a stylist has him with a really really short hairdo....

To curl or not to curl, you be the judge....

Mommy's hoping Daddy's super straight hair gene will kick in before too long!!! Please!!!