Friday, April 25, 2014

Blake's Spring Program PreK

Blake had a true performance this year....he was a pig....he did his routines and he was CUTE as a BUTTON at home when he would pretend the carpet was the stage....but program day, he was not going to do it.  "No way...Gus will take my place"....Gus, a classmate, not a pretend friend...but if it makes the story more interesting his pretend friend was going to take his place in the Performance #1 he did it!  We had no idea if he would or not but he did it!!!  Here's what he did at Show #2 that day...

Proud Family Watching


Precious Piggy

Silly Piggy

Uncle Scott

Aunt Crystal

Cousin Ca Ca

Aunt Mary
He picked Preston up several times!!!

and again.....

Gee-ma and Preston

And let me just remind you about last years spring where is that video..(just above) where Blake refused to say Mommy's "Real" name because...."She don't like it when I call her that.  Noooooooooooooo!"   Click Here

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter is in the books. Blake really enjoyed and "got" it.  Although Blake had to go in and wake Preston, they both enjoyed hunting the Easter eggs...
He loved the presents...even the ones not his!!

The theme: Ninja Turtles

Wake up Pressy

Not quite ready

Egg he yelled...over and over and over and over and over!


He was winning the "race"

A distraction
Our attempt at Easter Photos


Always catching him mid sentence....kinda looks like he's singing to me

Family Photo: FAIL #1

Fail #2

Say hello to "Shovelboy!"

Tuesday, April 8, 2014