Saturday, August 31, 2013

Preston The First 18 Months

Ok, so it's a little late.  But here is Preston's 18 month blog to celebrate his 20 month Birthday!

My New Year Baby!!!!

My Sweetness
A Beautiful Boy
Baptism  April 21, 2013...Grandpa Yakoubian's Birthday
You didn't sleep much. But when you did, oh so sweet
Attending Fathers Day Golf Tournement
Ok...Not Halloween, so before you outgrow it, I put you in Blake's first Halloween costume
Words can't describe how you loved that Bumblebee Towel

Pumpkins Pumpkins EVERYWHERE!

Christmas Card November   (He really couldn't take anymore of Blake that day)
Christmas lights!

First Birthday!!!!

February and Handsome

Ollie Love.....This dog let's you love on him

Watch out Tom Cruise and Risky Business

Mommy's 20th Birthday ;)   .....You sang Happy Birthday to me!!!
First Trip to the Beach....18 months

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blake's First Movie

I took Blake to see his first movie in the theater. It brought back memories of my first movie(s). It's was the Summer of 1982. I was 9 years old and inside a week I saw two movies. The first was E.T. (Phone home) and the second was Annie The Movie starring Aileen Quinn. 

Blake had a great time.