Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's Spring Time

The azaleas are it's picture time....Let's see who can sit still for a few photos?

Keeping Up

Here are several things I have not posted about....
A trip to the Zoo....he loved the choo choo---can't tell by the look on his face

Baby Play date: P at 9 weeks lil LD at almost 3 weeks

Happy St Patty's Day

When Brother got a new bed, that meant I got a new bed!  Haven't spent the night in it yet, but I have enjoyed a cat nap.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Big Boy Week

If I had to describe this week in two words it would be "growing up".  This is going by tooooooooooo fast.  On Sunday, we put together Blake's big boy bed, so we could transition Preston to his crib (which Blake has been sleeping in).  So on Sunday Daddy put that together with a little help from Daddy's right hand man. So far he has slept alone in his new bed 3 times this week.
Blake & Daddy "working"
Stopping to "Cheese"
Elmo galore!
Blake and Baby Preston trying out the new bed!  I'm not sure Preston's ready for a big boy bed by his reaction.

Friday, March 9, 2012


This dog....3 years ago (when I was pg with Blake) he wouldn't get close to anyone.....not even Todd.  When people came to visit Blake after he was born Oliver (the dog) would run and hide and shake uncontrollably....Now he's dying for attention....he actually has his chin on my leg while Preston lays in front of it.  He's a silly dog

This happened TWICE this week.  Blake was playing with this "RACING" truck and he's trying to drive it on my leg-all over.  I look away and he puts it on my head.  Well the spinning wheels tangled in my hair.  Could not get it out.  So Todd got out the scissors.  Not before Blake hugs me and says "Sorry Mommy"  very sympathetic.  And later in the week he did it again....this time Blake put the car in HIS hair....once again we had to get out the scissors.  So if my son is headed your way with this car......RUN!!!!!!

Another OU photo!!!!!  His expression says a lot about his personality!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Blake now tells us his name is Blake Hoben!   Yakoubian Hoben.  Same thing, right?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

One Fun Saturday

After a few days away for a work event.....Our Daddy returned from Oklahoma with goodies.......

Putting his present on

An OU jersey and a hat

He jumped on the bed over and over

Preston got his own little shirt

Is red my color?

And to go along with the clothes....a football

Woo hoo!

Racing after the ball.....poor neighbors yard

Then we were off to visit family.....Aunt Edith

Daddy's Boy!

Blake's not one to not be the center of he rolled around the floor for laughs